Victor Amberger (Bachelor, University of Cologne, 2023).
The 14th Young Mathematicians Conference on Zeta Functions: Dualities of q-Multiple Zeta Values (19th February 2021).
JENTE Seminar: Application of marked partitions to qMZVs (26th October 2021).
Seminar Arithmetische Geometrie und Zahlentheorie (University of Hamburg): Über die Vermutung MD = BD im Schlesinger-Zudilin-Modell (On the conjecture MD = BD in the Schlesinger-Zudilin model) (19th January 2022).
fantasy 2022 (University of Bonn): Proving SZ-duality with connected sums (29th March 2022).
ENTR-Seminar (University of Darmstadt/Cologne ): qMZVs, generating series and consequences (20th April 2022).
100 Years of Mock Theta Functions (Vanderbilt University): Combinatorics and marked partitions (May 22-23 2022).
Modular forms in number theory and beyond (Bielefeld University): Asymptotic formulas for multiset partitions (August 22-26 2022).
Young researchers in zeta functions (Nagoya University): Number of finite-dimensional representations of so(5) (February 16-19 2023).
35th Automorphic Forms Workshop, (Louisiana State University): Asymptotic expansions for partitions generated by infinite products (May 22-26 2023).
PhD-Seminar (University of Cologne): Multiple zeta values, their q-analogues, and a conjecture about their structure (6th June 2023)
Seminar Arithmetische Geometrie und Zahlentheorie (University of Hamburg): Introduction to modular forms (25th October 2023).
Seminar Arithmetische Geometrie und Zahlentheorie (University of Hamburg): The conjecture MD=BD and promising strategies for a proof (05th June 2024).
Referee work
I reviewed for The Ramanujan Journal.
Other activities
OPSFA Summer School, Radboud University (August 8-12 2022).
Multiple zeta meeting, Osaka University (February 20-22 2023).
Geometries and Special Functions for Physics and Mathematics, Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics, Bonn (March 20-24 2023).
Modular Forms and Arithmetic Geometry, TU Darmstadt (September 18-22 2023).